About us

What is Solidate?

Solidate is committed to helping people overcome overwhelming financial challenges and find balanced financial management. Our work benefits both individuals and society. We believe that ethical, sustainable, and humane business is the most profitable for all parties involved.

Our Mission

We help over-indebted individuals get back on their feet. We are the first organization in Finland to do this openly and responsibly through collaboration between the public, private, and non-profit sectors. At the same time, we create solutions that make lending and borrowing more responsible.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where household debt problems can always be resolved and where lenders support borrowers in achieving sensible goals. The human and societal costs of over-indebtedness are minimized through the collaboration of responsible actors and the utilization of new technologies.

Our Values


We always act honestly. We do what we promise and only promise what we can fulfill. We always offer the customer the best possible solution, even if it is not our service.


We assist everyone and communicate our recommendations openly and clearly in all situations. We challenge current credit practices and transform markets to ensure responsible actions are the best option for all parties involved.


We aim to connect people and help them achieve their goals. In all our actions, we strive for humanity: we listen and engage in dialogue, without judging or criticizing.


Solidate team

Harry Nyroos
Chairman and CEO
Torsti Tenhunen
Member of The Board
Juhana Harju
Member of The Board
Anna Belik
Member Of The Board
Tomi-Pekka Vuorinen
Member Of The Board
Juhani Paukkunen
Inka Uusijärvi
Service Manager
Kaisla Karhuvirta
Customer Service
Jenna Kenttälä
Customer Service

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